Milonga La Maleva


Milonga "La Maleva" mit Show und Workshops von


Daniel Arroyo & Martha Giorgi


im Lachdach Pling



Samstag 24. September 2022


21.00 Uhr


 Eintritt 15€


DJ Ani Andreani





Steinerstr. 5 - 9

81369 München 





Workshops mit Daniel Arroyo & Martha Giorgi


Samstag, 24. September 2022


18 - 19.30 Uhr

Workshop 1



* Colgada’s basic structure.

Understanding the weight and basic movements that lead the colgada, embrace, posture and possibilities.



19.30 - 21 Uhr

Workshop 2



* Fast giros, small spaces.

Understanding the speed, and the pauses in the giros in Vals, limits of the space, and centrifugal movements.




Lachdach Pling

Steinerstr. 5 - 9

81369 München





Sonntag, 25. September 2022


14 - 15.30 Uhr
Workshop 3

High Heels

* Individual Technique

Difference and exchange between axis, weight, balance.

Movement for the shoulder plates, hips, legs and feet.

* Boleos individual technique

Possibilities for boleos, corrections for the posture,

different kind of boleos, embellishments and development of the balance.


15.30 - 17 Uhr
Workshop 4

Giros, Lápiz & Enrosques

* Giros with lápiz & parada

Structure of the giro with lápiz, how to lead it and be free with our legs, technique for the follower of a better rotation in the giro, and emellishments for the parada. Both directions will be developed.



Rebecca Studios
Anglerstrasse 6
80339 München
Tanzstudio Orange





1 WS 35 €
2 WS 60 €
3 WS 75 €
4 WS 100 €


Anmeldung und Kontakt


Mobil/Whatsapp: + 49 157 51337705